All posts by Will Beck

Panzerfäuste Winter War Part 3

Here are the command units for the Soviet Dark Elves, all have an element of dark elf styling: A senior officer in winter greatcoat and papakha hat, an infantry officer, two KhĂ´ven Gralska Baba witches, an army doctor, an assassin (sniper), a remote observer witch, another witch with a sickle, a younger Dark Elf signaller and a Vodka Seller with a Cossack hat and hairstyle.

As before, my sketchbook pages can be seen on my Facebook page.

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Panzerfäuste Winter War Part 2

Now we have the Soviet Dark Elves, who are invading the lands of the Trolls. The uniforms and weapons are based on those of the early WWII Soviet army with a bit of subtle Dark Elf gothic styling. The sketchbook page I created for Rob as I worked on these concepts can be seen on Facebook. More soon.

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Warhammer Gothic Horror Quest

Combining my liking for classic British Horror films (such as The Devil Rides Out (1968), The Blood on Satan’s Claw (1971), Witchfinder General that sort of thing) with Warhammer Age of Sigmar seemed a natural choice, especially near Hallowe’en when I had this idea.

I sketched these as there hasn’t been a new zombie kit from Games Workshop for over twenty years! They’ve got ghosts (The Nighthaunt, Ghouls (Flesh-eater Courts) and so on. The technology has moved on from the old characterful Zombies kit so this would be a great way to re-introduce zombies into Warhammer. I’ve sketched a battered Stormcast Relictor, a Lizardman (Seraphon if you like) hero sent on a holy quest by the Slann, a wandering Wood (A)elf Grove Warden (a druidic type wizard with some sprite helpers), a human Vampire hunter at the top and a Kharadron Dwarf lady. On the right side of the page there are some ideas for a Flesh Golem, a mad Vampire bad-guy (on his way to becoming a Varghulf) and a few zombies!

As with all of my Games Workshop related posts this is entirely fan art.

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Panzerfäuste Winter War – Part 1

These are concepts for miniatures that have never been turned into 3D form, which is a shame as I enjoyed creating these with Rob and Steve from the now-discorporated Hysterical Games.

This was a going to be the first supplement; the Panzerfäuste Winter War between the Vuoritroll Mountain Trolls (with equipment and culture based on early WW2 Finnish) and the Dark Elves (based on early WW2 Soviets).

For these drawings my influences were in no particular order, the Trollhunter film (2010), illustrating genius Paul Bonner’s trolls, pictures of trolls by the Swedish painter John Bauer and amazing illustrations by Ivar Rødningen.

Troll Hunter (2010)

Paul Bonner’s art on Facebook

John Bauer on Wikipedia

Ivar Rødningen’s art website

My sketchbook work for this can be seen on my Facebook page.

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The Rise of Colony 87

I realised I haven’t shared all my Colony 87 designs with people who look at my website so now I shall remedy that!

Here we have a pair of socialites. My client Jon Boyce (former owner of Colony 87) after looking at my initial sketchbook pages (which can be seen on my Facebook page) decided he didn’t want the retro 1930’s Blade Runner look and wanted more of a looser, layered look with one of the characters wearing the kind of hat you could see in a Moebius (Jean Giraud) drawing.

When Crooked Dice took over from Jon we resurrected an idea of Jon’s for a Alien Pet merchant. My first sketches were heavily influenced by the sleazy snake-seller in Blade Runner. Returning to this idea I thought he could be wearinge a frame (similar to that on by the Colony 87 water carrier) in which the merchant could carry his creatures. Here’s the final concept:

Crooked Dice Games’ range of Colony 87 miniatures can be found here:

Colony 87 characters and creatures from Crooked Dice Games

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Spitfyre Concepts

I’ve added some more Panzerfäuste Spitfyre concepts to my miniatures concepts gallery, I don’t think these were created as miniatures unfortunately as I quite enjoyed creating them. They’re 100% digital, a mix of Photoshop, Manga Studio and Painter.

They all can be seen on my Miniatures Concepts page under Panzerfäuste. [Miniatures Concepts]

This is a Gnome Pigeon de Guerre which, despite looking just like a huge pigeon was based on the Potez 630 aeroplane used by the French in WW2. Wikipedia entry for Potez 630

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The Revenge of Colony 87

Some more of my miniatures concepts have been release by the talented people at Crooked Dice Games. These were turned into 3D creations by sculpting-ace Mike Anderson.

The chap on the left is a rather aged, slightly poor-looking Tech Merchant, displaying a variety of Star Wars themed data devices and assorted technological odds and ends. He has a crude bionic lower leg which he probably built himself!

On the right we have a data courier, a bit like Johnny Mnemonic but he physically carries the data. He’s got more of a cycle-courier build, a Moebius-style Sci-fi snood with built in communicator and a data slate attached to a memory-wipe device (if stolen by anyone it wipes everything in his shoulder bag).  Links to Crooked Dice Games where you can purchase these characters for yourself or just admire the miniature painting:

Colony 87 Tech Merchant on Crooked Dice Games

Colony 87 Courier on Crooked Dice Games

On my Facebook page you can see some of my sketchbook pages where I’m figuring out what these characters should look like (with the assistance of Jon Boyce, who commissioned me!).

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Penitent Engine

Here’s a thing, Games Workshop has sculpted something I’ve sketched (the iron maiden Pentitent Engine). It’s just a coincidence of course, they were thinking on the same lines as I was! Here’s the link to Games Workshop’s Warhammer Community:

Sisters of Battle – Penitent Engines

The original post is here for lazy people:

All GW Intellectual Property, like this, is of course copyright Games Workshop. It’s simply fan art and not meant to upset Games Workshop’s legal team!

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Samurai Space Marines

Well that was a long break from website posts. I had to upgrade my website package to continue to use WordPress which cost me some hard earned cash!

OK, back to my sketchbook again. These are some ideas I had a year or so ago, when I heard that MaxFactory in Japan were partnering with GW to produce some push-fit Space Marines. I thought it might be cool to produce a couple of Samurai-themed Space Marines, that didn’t just look like Space Marine Samurai cosplayers. As the Mantis Warriors Chapter (ignore this bit if you’re not into Games Workshop) that sided with the Astral Claws in the Badab War (link below) had a slightly oriental theme I thought it would be fun if I sketched some Space Marines with some subtle Japanese Samurai themed elements.

Here I’ve taken the old rank designation symbols from way back (they used to be displayed on the forehead of the helmet) and changed it to reflect a Samurai’s helmet and also a bit like the head crest on a Gundam robot suit. They would be sculpted on the armour/miniature. I’ve also chosen to add some parts of older Marks of power armour to add a bit of a rugged Samurai look to their style. The power sword too is more like a katana and there’s a Shinobi/Ninja Space Marine scout which I think is a cool idea.

The Badab War

Gundam portal site

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Battle Sisters

As a fan of Kev Walker’s art I really liked Daemonifuge and given that Games Workshop are going to produce Sisters of Battle in plastic I thought I’d sketch some ideas I had for the Adepta Sororitas. It could perhaps be for a short webcomic based on the exploits of a unit of Sisters of Battle. Daemonifuge Graphic Novel Series

Also there’s an idea for the Ordo Hereticus Penitent Engine which I always thought was very vulnerable to any incoming fire so I sketched an Iron Maiden version. Iron Maiden Wikipedia entry

I’ve roughed a thumbnail composition of an Ordo Xenos and Deathwatch kill team fighting the Necrons. More of this sort of thing soon!

This is all Games Workshop intellectual property, I’m just playing with it.

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