These are concepts for miniatures that have never been turned into 3D form, which is a shame as I enjoyed creating these with Rob and Steve from the now-discorporated Hysterical Games.
This was a going to be the first supplement; the Panzerfäuste Winter War between the Vuoritroll Mountain Trolls (with equipment and culture based on early WW2 Finnish) and the Dark Elves (based on early WW2 Soviets).
For these drawings my influences were in no particular order, the Trollhunter film (2010), illustrating genius Paul Bonner’s trolls, pictures of trolls by the Swedish painter John Bauer and amazing illustrations by Ivar Rødningen.
Troll Hunter (2010)
Paul Bonner’s art on Facebook
John Bauer on Wikipedia
Ivar Rødningen’s art website
My sketchbook work for this can be seen on my Facebook page.
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