I’ve been quite busy recently but as I’m paying for this webdomain I really should show some of the things I’ve been doing!
I figured my mutant gang could do with a more armoured scrapper to go with the berserker so I sketched some ideas here.
I’ve been quite busy recently but as I’m paying for this webdomain I really should show some of the things I’ve been doing!
I figured my mutant gang could do with a more armoured scrapper to go with the berserker so I sketched some ideas here.
Another sneak peak, this time my mutant gang leader.
Here’s a sneak peak of my pencil lines of my mutant berserker.
I’ve always found the Warhammer 40,000’s Imperial Inquisition a fascinating side to Games Workshop’s flagship game so here I’ve sketched a team for the Ordo Xenos (the alien hunting branch of the Inquisition). We’ve got an Adepta Sororitas and a Deathwatch Imperial Space Marine, a gunfighter and in the background the Ordo Xenos inquisitor himself.
Warhammer 40,000 Ordo XenosOn the facing page are a couple more mutant gangers. In the middle is a fat mutant who uses a giant crossbow and a makeshift windlass for loading it. At the bottom right is a female mutant who has made an armoured carapace to hide in the junkheaps and take pot shots with her hand-made scrap-launching gun.
GW stuff is copyright GW.
Some strange doodles on the left (a German nutcracker, a shield design for an Undead Army (red skull-moon over black castle), a fishman mask idea, a flaming horse, ratman and a green dog-man using his voice as a sonic weapon) and on the right is my Mutant Psyker, a Fat Mutie and some SF hologram text.
Here’s the mutant gang boss, with clown-like hair, an extra arm and mechanical claw. There are some more mutant gang symbols too and a seal-dog whatever that is.
On the left I’m sketching some SF characters and on the right you have my giant mutant wielding a piece of a building to bash his foes. Next; the mutant leader!
Fast forward to 2015-ish and I feel like sketching my jolly mutant band again (on the left page you can see my Xeno-archaeologist examining an alien skull ). I’ve sketched the current bunch; the giant biffo mutie, the bald, pallid psychic mutant, the crazy clown-haired leader with his metal claw arm and various others.
This is my line-up of mutants; a mutie wide-faced woman with a scrap-shotgun, a melting-faced fat mutant with a giant crossbow, the mutant psychic (now a dwarf), the giant dude, the clown-haired leader and the berserker.
Round about a couple of years later I returned to these ideas as I felt I could do them a bit more justice. I started with the mutant berserker. I imagined he had found an electronic object that glowed a little when he discovered it in the filthy junk-heaps. He thinks it’s a refractor field so now believes he’s invulnerable to bullets.
I added a bit of acrylic white (probably Skull White!) to this version and some more crazy mutant gang territory symbols.
Here I’ve loosely sketched in a version in inks, acrylic white and a bit of watercolour wash. More next time!
One of my first attempts at digital painting (in 2002!) was a fight scene in a hive world setting between slightly medieval-garbed fanatical mutant-hating humans (a Venator gang) fighting a mutant slave gang.
Hive World Warhammer 40,000
I still like it, despite it being done ages ago and in Painter Classic (maybe having only one layer helped the image to be more coherent.)
Well a few years later, back in 2006 I wanted to revisit the image and began doodling and sketching these muties again. They’re not ‘Chaos mutants’, just unfortunate souls mutated by all the toxic pollution affecting generations of humans living in the Underhive.
Some of my mutant character’s are evolving on these pages; the gangly, goofy berserker and the guy with the blade on the end of his arm.
Here’s a very quick doodle on some lined paper of the mutant gang, the large mutant waving his trusty hitting pole in a threatening manner at the back! More of these sketches later.