Category Archives: Fan Art

House Delaque Ganger

Hive world ganger from House Delaque
Delaque Ganger

Well I haven’t updated this site for months, so here’s an image I created as part of a job application for a Games Workshop Specialist Games Digital Illustrator a couple of years ago. I didn’t get the job.

He’s a sinister Delaque ganger, from the House of Shadows, I read a bit about them online to better get a sense of their new iteration (even more sneaky and slightly psychic). As Delaques have snakes and a stiletto dagger as their logo I thought a sickly turquoise colour for his gear would be appropriate to suggest poisoned flesh.

I’ve modified the miniatures logo (based on Jes Goodwin’s original sketch from the 1995 boxed game) to a stylised snake skull. I gave him a slash tattoo to signify his preferred method of fighting and made sure his bionic eyes looked like the operation to remove them was quite brutal.

Here’s the sketchbook page where I pencilled him first:

I enjoyed creating him; I started with a pencil drawing then digitally painted over that in Photoshop with a bit of Painter to finish off, as I have more experience in using Painter.

This is all Copyright Games Workshop.

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Warhammer Gothic Horror Quest

Combining my liking for classic British Horror films (such as The Devil Rides Out (1968), The Blood on Satan’s Claw (1971), Witchfinder General that sort of thing) with Warhammer Age of Sigmar seemed a natural choice, especially near Hallowe’en when I had this idea.

I sketched these as there hasn’t been a new zombie kit from Games Workshop for over twenty years! They’ve got ghosts (The Nighthaunt, Ghouls (Flesh-eater Courts) and so on. The technology has moved on from the old characterful Zombies kit so this would be a great way to re-introduce zombies into Warhammer. I’ve sketched a battered Stormcast Relictor, a Lizardman (Seraphon if you like) hero sent on a holy quest by the Slann, a wandering Wood (A)elf Grove Warden (a druidic type wizard with some sprite helpers), a human Vampire hunter at the top and a Kharadron Dwarf lady. On the right side of the page there are some ideas for a Flesh Golem, a mad Vampire bad-guy (on his way to becoming a Varghulf) and a few zombies!

As with all of my Games Workshop related posts this is entirely fan art.

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Penitent Engine

Here’s a thing, Games Workshop has sculpted something I’ve sketched (the iron maiden Pentitent Engine). It’s just a coincidence of course, they were thinking on the same lines as I was! Here’s the link to Games Workshop’s Warhammer Community:

Sisters of Battle – Penitent Engines

The original post is here for lazy people:

All GW Intellectual Property, like this, is of course copyright Games Workshop. It’s simply fan art and not meant to upset Games Workshop’s legal team!

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Samurai Space Marines

Well that was a long break from website posts. I had to upgrade my website package to continue to use WordPress which cost me some hard earned cash!

OK, back to my sketchbook again. These are some ideas I had a year or so ago, when I heard that MaxFactory in Japan were partnering with GW to produce some push-fit Space Marines. I thought it might be cool to produce a couple of Samurai-themed Space Marines, that didn’t just look like Space Marine Samurai cosplayers. As the Mantis Warriors Chapter (ignore this bit if you’re not into Games Workshop) that sided with the Astral Claws in the Badab War (link below) had a slightly oriental theme I thought it would be fun if I sketched some Space Marines with some subtle Japanese Samurai themed elements.

Here I’ve taken the old rank designation symbols from way back (they used to be displayed on the forehead of the helmet) and changed it to reflect a Samurai’s helmet and also a bit like the head crest on a Gundam robot suit. They would be sculpted on the armour/miniature. I’ve also chosen to add some parts of older Marks of power armour to add a bit of a rugged Samurai look to their style. The power sword too is more like a katana and there’s a Shinobi/Ninja Space Marine scout which I think is a cool idea.

The Badab War

Gundam portal site

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A few years back I created some updated Squat concepts as I always liked them in Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 game. I hadn’t put all of my ideas online so here’s my Squat Warlord in Power armour, partly inspired by Paul Bonner’s illustration of a last stand of the Squats against the Eldar. There’s also a Squat Power Boarder as a homage to Pete Knifton’s illustration in the original Rogue Trader rulebook.

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Sunken World sketchbook work

These pages are from my sketchbook started in 2013 of various things I was working on. Firstly I have some doodles and notes, some tinkering of my dimensional alchemist’s helmet/mask and an idea I had for a character for my second sunken world adventuring party. He’s an enemy of the Icthyss (fish-men) and their Thulhid overlords and has a fish-man skull, a weapon or two and scaled skin as trophies. The next page has some jolly Space Ork Freebooters as I felt like drawing them and some ideas for a race of smaller humanoids in the Sunken World. There’s also a fish-themed helmet for a sunken world bounty hunter.

Here we have my thief idea and more of the sea ranger/Icthyss hunter and then some ideas for a Thulhid’s experimental mutants and an elite armoured Icthyss.

Space Ork Freebooters are copyright Games Workshop, this is fan art and not intended to annoy GW.

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Underhive Sketchbook Part Six

Over the last couple of months Games Workshop have announced and shown their new version of the classic Necromunda Underhive game (which the Necromunda online community have been keeping alive for almost 20 years!):
Bell of Lost Souls Necromunda Underhive revealed

The miniatures look to be a larger scale than before and I wonder if many of the rest of the 40K range would be compatible. From this first look the game itself seems to be just a flat board game; completely ignoring the main reason people liked the Necromunda game in the first place: A fast competitive skirmish, with each side using under a dozen gangers a side and an vertical element to the gameplay and scenery.
What GW will bring out to support this remains to be seen; the pessismist in me says they will just ask you to buy the Adeptus Mechanicus scenery they brought out for Shadow War Armageddon. What I’d like to have seen is similar to the original set, with the new de-bossed cardboard for the flatter areas (as in the original game) with new plastic bulkheads, ladders and maybe some objectives and with a game-mat for the ground, all for under £150.

On that wishful note here are some more pages from my Necromunda Underhive sketchbook.
These are my first ideas for the symbols for the various house and gangs, with a Catoblepas riding beast conversion idea for a Rogue Trader’s entourage (Catoblepas entry on Wikipedia). There’s also a Scavvy Scaly with his scattergun.

Some ideas for a border for the Underhive website, some scenery and colour options to do for the Redemptionist portrait.

Nomad image plans and Ratskin portrait and weapons designs.

More underhive banner textures and my idea for an Enforcers symbol, with an Art Deco look based on the LAPD shield design.

On these pages I was doodling symbols for the human rebel force I was converting and painting. I wanted a design for humans rebelling against the fascist Imperium which was small enough and simple enough to paint on a 28mm miniature. More of this sketchbook tomorrow!

As always with these images, they’re fan art and not intended to breach Games Workshop’s intellectual property.

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Armageddon Ork Hunters

I promised a diversion but it’s really still following the same subject! I had this idea when Games Workshop brought out Shadow War:Armageddon a few months ago. The box contained some OK scenery (though pricey and rather heavy on the skulls and Adeptus Mechanicus symbols!), some Space Marine Scouts and Ork Boyz and the welcome return of the Necromunda rules. Now I suspect not many people bought it for the Scouts and Orks as these were kits that came out years ago, more wanted just the scenery and rules. There was an opportunity missed I feel to show the Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) and Ork players that they haven’t been forgotten and bring out some plastic Armageddon Ork Hunters for the Imperial Guard and Ork Kommandos for the Orks. Here are my ideas for the Ork Hunters, they could have just been an upgrade sprue with a standard Cadian or Catachan Command sprue with few special characters in the same way they had in Deathwatch Overkill.

I looked at which Guard divisions served on Armageddon and created a motley bunch of expert Ork Hunters, kind of like a Warhammer 40,000 Bad Company (an old strip in 2000AD Bad Company comic on Wikipedia).

Again this is all fan art and not intended to breach Games Workshop intellectual property. Not many people look at this site anyway.

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Underhive Sketchbook part five

The following page are ideas I had for the non-Imperial powered armour for the Spyrers. It had to have recording devices, various ways it could upgrade itself according to the performance of the wearer and also look both high-tech but also as if it was very old. I imagined a baroque, almost 17th Century suit of armour look with servo motors, fibre bundles, cameras and also an engraved list of notable previous users. The larger, snooty-looking chap is my version of an Orrus Spyrer. (Necromunda Spyre hunters)

Back to my Necromunda sketchbook for the next few pages:
Here I’m planning a conversion of a Mike Perry Ratskin miniature followed by some character ideas for a Pit Slave gang.

I’ve settled on the design of my Scavvy, with some more sketches for a whole bunch of them. On the opposite page are some thumbnails of the other Outlander gang portraits, a Scaly, a Nomad and another Pit Slave.

Ratskin portrait and the Redemptionists are progressing on these pages.

Here are more crazy plans for scratch-building an entire Scavvy gang and the pose I chose for the Enforcer portrait.

Though I’ve scanned the entire Underhive-themed sketchbook I may post something a bit different next time!

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Daemonhost and Underhive sketches

This packing and throwing away is taking much longer than I’d thought. Flippin’eck! I’ve tonnes of stuff acquired over the last decade and a half.
OK back to my old sketches; following on from the previous post here’s a page of Daemonhosts.
Here I’ve deliberately avoided Brian Nelson’s amazing Cherubael sculpt with his twisted scrawny look. The bloated floating creature perhaps is possessed by a Nurgle daemon, I’ve provided the radical Inquisitor who’s using him a vortex bomb collar in case he gets out of hand! Not sure quite when I did them, probably before the Necromunda sketchbook, entirely in inks and acrylics with no digital jiggery-pokery.

Back to Necromunda for these portrait sketches, me refining the look of the Ratskin and Redemptionist.

The tiny composition sketch refers to an image I’m not sure I’ve ever posted online, my Badland Scout (from 2005). He’s a guide to the ruined hives so has a little bit of a tribal look to his gear.

These next pages feature a sketch of the priest from the start of The Fifth Element (the late actor John Bennett), a bunch of Scavvies and then some Pit Slave portrait compositions.

All fan art and not intended to infringe Games Workshop’s copyright.

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