Tag Archives: science fiction

Science Fiction sketches and drawings

Colony 87 rides again

Last year, I sent this page to Karl at Crooked Dice Games as he’d asked for ideas for jetbikes and beasts with their riders. Following this he asked me to work up the guy on the dino-bird (amongst others) at the bottom left.

Here’s the refinment of the designs. I had a good look at ostrich riders in the middle east for the position of the rider and ostriches themselves. I based the riders’ hats a little on the late John Mollo’s costume designs for the Rebels on Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back (1977) and I looked at comics genius Alex Raymond’s Frigia Lancers (from his 1930’s comic Flash Gordon) for inspiration too.

John Mollo on Wikipedia

Alex Raymond on Wikipedia

I worked it up in Manga (Clip) Studio and Painter with a bit of Photoshop as well. The outrider has an option for hands without a his laser rifle (he’s whittling a Chirroc bird from a piece of wood) and there are a few alternative heads.

A link to the post on Crooked Dice Games’ facebook page:

Crooked Dice Games on facebook

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Colony 87 Bounty Hunters

Late last year Karl from Crooked Dice asked me to draw concepts for a pair of Colony 87 Bounty Hunters that were reminiscent of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Quixote

Above are my initial sketchbook pages; the Don Quixote character would be an aging but still tough bounty hunter and the Sancho Panza equivalent would belong to the Colony 87 squat humanoid race. (Though there’s an Insectoid Alien option here which Karl felt was a bit too monstrous!)

This page is where I refine the Don Quixote look, though I wasn’t quite sure about Sancho Panza and wanted to define the alien/human variant race more.

The pages show me inventing the high-grav worlder bounty hunter and his gear. The ‘Wheel Ships’ I imagined they travel in are built around a super-dense fragment of one of their worlds. I’m adding various high-tech elements to his gear and seeing what works.

You can see more on my Facebook page of the final images – https://www.facebook.com/Will-Beck-Illustration-911094838907212

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More News From Colony 87

OK that was a long month of May! I’ve been meaning to get more of my artwork online I’ve just been a bit too busy to do it (I’ve loads more Crooked Dice Games’ Colony 87 creations and many other images as well).

Here’s a page of rough sketches of extraterrestrial animals that I drew before the full page here:

This Colony 87 concept page shows an alien menagerie that the Alien Pet Merchant could be selling to those that can afford them. The Eel-lion, Testudo-bird and Varkdog are influenced by creatures in images created by Moebius, the other creatures are my own inventions.

Looking at it again I wasn’t sure about the Eel-lion, I think it should be thinner and slippery like an eel, I shall redraw this some time as I do like the other designs.

Crooked Dice Games – Colony 87 Alien Pets

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The Rise of Colony 87

I realised I haven’t shared all my Colony 87 designs with people who look at my website so now I shall remedy that!

Here we have a pair of socialites. My client Jon Boyce (former owner of Colony 87) after looking at my initial sketchbook pages (which can be seen on my Facebook page) decided he didn’t want the retro 1930’s Blade Runner look and wanted more of a looser, layered look with one of the characters wearing the kind of hat you could see in a Moebius (Jean Giraud) drawing.

When Crooked Dice took over from Jon we resurrected an idea of Jon’s for a Alien Pet merchant. My first sketches were heavily influenced by the sleazy snake-seller in Blade Runner. Returning to this idea I thought he could be wearinge a frame (similar to that on by the Colony 87 water carrier) in which the merchant could carry his creatures. Here’s the final concept:

Crooked Dice Games’ range of Colony 87 miniatures can be found here:

Colony 87 characters and creatures from Crooked Dice Games

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The Revenge of Colony 87

Some more of my miniatures concepts have been release by the talented people at Crooked Dice Games. These were turned into 3D creations by sculpting-ace Mike Anderson.

The chap on the left is a rather aged, slightly poor-looking Tech Merchant, displaying a variety of Star Wars themed data devices and assorted technological odds and ends. He has a crude bionic lower leg which he probably built himself!

On the right we have a data courier, a bit like Johnny Mnemonic but he physically carries the data. He’s got more of a cycle-courier build, a Moebius-style Sci-fi snood with built in communicator and a data slate attached to a memory-wipe device (if stolen by anyone it wipes everything in his shoulder bag).  Links to Crooked Dice Games where you can purchase these characters for yourself or just admire the miniature painting:

Colony 87 Tech Merchant on Crooked Dice Games

Colony 87 Courier on Crooked Dice Games

On my Facebook page you can see some of my sketchbook pages where I’m figuring out what these characters should look like (with the assistance of Jon Boyce, who commissioned me!).

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A few years back I created some updated Squat concepts as I always liked them in Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 game. I hadn’t put all of my ideas online so here’s my Squat Warlord in Power armour, partly inspired by Paul Bonner’s illustration of a last stand of the Squats against the Eldar. There’s also a Squat Power Boarder as a homage to Pete Knifton’s illustration in the original Rogue Trader rulebook.

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Hive World comic strip ideas

This a rough comic scene idea I had; here my House Umbra (Delaque) gangers are arranging a drugs (maybe spook?) trade with the mutie gang. First panel is the meeting, second and third the House Umbra gang leader is getting the quality tested by a fellow ganger on their hand scanner. Following that are some notes of where the story could go from there.

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More Hive World sketchbook work

These following pages are from about 2005, I wasn’t putting dates on my sketchbooks then so I can’t be sure. The first scene is an image I had of a poorer house, (House Cawdor in Necromunda) reminiscent of the worker rabble in Metropolis (1927) being stirred to riot with some anti-deviant rantings as Torquemada is fond to do in 2000AD’s Nemesis the Warlock. On the right are some symbols and a sinister ganger from my House Umbra, a lesser clan aligned to House Delaque.


Nemesis the Warlock

More pages later!

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Hive world gangers

I’ve been a bit under the weather recently, hence the lack of updates on this website. While I’m recovering I thought I’d post some things I’ve been working on and off over the last few years. This is an image I created in 2006 inspired by Necromunda’s House Delaque and The City of Lost Children Cyclops cult also Dark City’s Strangers.

Necromunda skirmish war game

The City of Lost Children movie

Dark City movie

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