Tag Archives: miniatures concepts

Armageddon Ork Hunters

I promised a diversion but it’s really still following the same subject! I had this idea when Games Workshop brought out Shadow War:Armageddon a few months ago. The box contained some OK scenery (though pricey and rather heavy on the skulls and Adeptus Mechanicus symbols!), some Space Marine Scouts and Ork Boyz and the welcome return of the Necromunda rules. Now I suspect not many people bought it for the Scouts and Orks as these were kits that came out years ago, more wanted just the scenery and rules. There was an opportunity missed I feel to show the Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) and Ork players that they haven’t been forgotten and bring out some plastic Armageddon Ork Hunters for the Imperial Guard and Ork Kommandos for the Orks. Here are my ideas for the Ork Hunters, they could have just been an upgrade sprue with a standard Cadian or Catachan Command sprue with few special characters in the same way they had in Deathwatch Overkill.

I looked at which Guard divisions served on Armageddon and created a motley bunch of expert Ork Hunters, kind of like a Warhammer 40,000 Bad Company (an old strip in 2000AD Bad Company comic on Wikipedia).

Again this is all fan art and not intended to breach Games Workshop intellectual property. Not many people look at this site anyway.

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Mutant Slave and Dregs Wrecking Crew

An old sketch of an idea I had for a miniature conversion for Games Workshop’s Inquisitor (a 54mm scale game with about a dozen figures in total and an almost Role-playing game campaign) of the Fellowship of The Ring’s Cave Troll brilliantly sculpted by (I think) Michael Perry.
I thought he’d would make a good mutant slave with the addition of some tatty clothes, a control collar and mining laser so I scribbled him here.
As always this is fan art and not intended to infringe any copyright.

When Microworld Games commissioned me last year to design some trollish mutants to act as a wrecking crew for the Dregs faction and they wanted a huge brutish look with twin flamethrowers, chainsaws and piledrivers I remembered the old sketch and proceeded to sketch out some suitably thuggish-looking giant mutants. The sketches can be found on my Facebook page (click the logo to the right).

Microworld Games

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Happy New Year! Some Dregs Dragoons

Happy New Year everyone! My final concept designs for the beast-riding Beastkin.

I decided the beastmen wouldn’t ride actual horses but a future horse-like beast and I wanted to add an element of a bovine or caprine animal to it. Now, I had a photo on my computer of a strange (to me) animal which I found was called a Takin and its larger, more convex snout seemed perfect. Takin animal
Incidentally the beastman balancing on a horse to shoot is based on a photo of a WW1 german cavalryman.

Microworld Games

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Dregs Tank Hunter and Mobile Artillery

These are the final concept designs for the Tank Hunter tank and the Mobile Artillery tank (both based on the same chassis, vaguely WW2-inspired). I gave the tank hunter metal tusk-shapes to give it a brutal look and the artillery tank a load of spikes on the ‘dozer blade so they would look different at a glance on the tabletop whilst still retaining the spiky, ramshackle nature throughout the range.

Microworld Games

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Dregs Armoured Transport and more sketchbook pages

Some more of my work for Microworld Games, this time the Dregs’ armoured troop carrier. I imagined the Dregs would be like a tribe of warriors and this could be their mobile long-hut. This one was partly based on the AAV-7 amphibious APC which has a jutting front like a jaw (for travelling in water).

These next two pages are of my initial ideas for the Dregs’ Mobile Artillery Tank and Tank Hunter with lots of little beast-men riders as I thought they’d add to the noisy, boisterous nature of the army. On the opposite page are some early ideas for the Beastkin Dragoons, beastmen riding on horse-like beasts to war.

Again these haven’t gone into production yet, but if you’re interested do go and have a look at what has:
Microworld Games

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Dregs tanks sketches and Main Battle Tank

This is another Miniatures Concept project that I was commissioned for earlier this year. It’s for a range of Science Fiction 6mm miniatures produced by Microworld Games for epic scale fights. I was to produce some concept drawings for the various units for the Dregs, the mutant beast-men. I was given a brief description and some images to start with so I based my initial sketches on these to get a flavour of the units.

This first image was of the Dreg’s Main Battle Tank. It had to look functional but also brutal so I had a look at British Chieftan tanks as they have a distinctive silhouette along with some other directions from the brief (including a G.I. Joe tank!). The spikes, trophies and extra armour were all added by the Beastkin Raiders themselves. I imagined them riding the tanks to battle, eager to leap off into the melee.

They’re not available yet, hopefully will be soon, here’s a link to the website:
Microworld Games
More images tomorrow.

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Science Fiction Xeno archaeologist ideas

Currently I’m having a bit of trouble uploading images to my website but I managed to get this one; a page from last year’s sketchbook showing some ideas I had for a Xeno-archeologist exploring dead alien civilisations in a gothic SF world.

I imagined her to be a cross between Indiana Jones and AdĂšle Blanc-Sec (AdĂšle Blanc-Sec) more than Lara Croft. To help her she has hired a psyker to detect psychic traces of lost civilisations or artifacts, an ogre-like breed of human as a bodyguard and porter. She has also hired a mercenary human and an extra-terrestrial guide and carries her treasured finds in a stasis-vault with suspensors and a pop-up auto-turret laser.

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Some unseen sketches

I’ve got loads of commissions on the go at the moment but as they’re all for unreleased projects I haven’t posted any images of them until the miniatures or games are available. Despite all that when I’ve had a spare moment I’ve still been doodling away in my sketchbook and the next few posts will be these.

A quick warning, the next few paragraphs are all about Games Workshop’s Warhammer game, so please ignore it if you’re not into that kind of thing and do skip down to the drawings!

OK, here are some of my thoughts on Games Workshop and Age of Sigmar, though bear in mind that I haven’t played it, so this isn’t related to the game play, just me looking at the aesthetic of the miniatures, artwork and whatever the new world is called (The Mortal Realms?). Last year Games Workshop decided to ‘murder their darling’ by destroying their entire Warhammer World and the last 30 years of creative output with The End Times and by releasing Warhammer – Age of Sigmar (with round bases being hastily added to peoples’ miniature armies all previously cleverly designed to rank up in units on square bases).

Now I leave it up to others to discuss the commercial wisdom of this but creatively this seems daft at best. Despite Games Workshop’s deliberate artistic policy of going for the Northern European more realistic and gritty, gothic look with the Warhammer World (rooted in part on the writers, sculptors and artists having extensive knowledge of history and the Northern Renaissance) the new Age of Sigmar seems to be going for a more Catholic, Southern European, almost high-fantasy look completely at odds with their previous artistic style and seemingly influenced by Blizzard computer games (which had ripped Games Workshop’s art off to start with!) They could easily have created an epic Heroic game system, with stripped down rules and focus on quick fun battles without resorting to wiping the Warhammer World out entirely (and letting other manufacturers take over where they left off).

OK, rambling a bit there but I thought about how I got into this stuff as a kid and it was through Warhammer Fantasy Role Play (1st edition, with rulebooks, lots of different dice and no cards!) so I drew some ideas for an Age of Sigmar role-playing party:

Here I have a sort of priest dude with the top half of a Stormcast Eternal mask, a barbaric Chaos-creature hunter, a Wood Elf Undead hunter, a non-European(!) knife-wielding woman and an ex-Empire mercenary too.
There’s a sketch of a fish-man and my vaguely Arabic masked warrior from my Sunken World poster.

The next page is continuing these characters (I was thinking there was more of the Old Warhammer World remaining than just the name Sigmar and Khorne) so I expanded on the barbarian chap fighting Chaos to a Priest of Ulric, continued with the Empire lady mercenary with a beastman skull on her hat. The former Priest of Morr is carrying bones and urns from the Warhammer World to summon the angry spirits of the fallen to wreak vengeance. After seeing the new Warhammer Quest game I think Games Workshop are trying to get some more character back into their flagship Fantasy game.

All fan art and not intended to breach Games Workshop copyright.

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Colony 87 Returns!

Colony 87 returns! The kickstarter here:
(Return to Colony 87 – 28mm sci-fi civilians)
This was funded within hours and the miniatures have been sculpted by the excellent miniature sculptor Mike Anderson.
These are concept drawings for the second wave of Science Fiction civilians for Colony 87 miniatures:

These are some of my initial sketchbook pages for this commission.
The first was a SF Recordist, a scientific type to accompany a noble or other advisor recording everything (smells, sights, Electromagnetics, as well as sound). Jon Boyce (my client) suggested I look at a tank crew head gear and Gaff’s (Edward James Olmos) hat in Bladerunner. I also wanted him to have a different body shape, so I based his size on the movie Dune’s Piter De Vries (Brad Dourif) combined with the Hannibal Chew (James Hong) from Bladerunner’s hat. A stenographer’s typewriter provided a retro look for his personal computer.

For the mechanic I had the idea basing her on Firefly/Serenity’s Kaylee(Jewel Staite) as a starting point and the welder/junker started out based on a photo of a Japanese industrial worker.

The Advisor was meant to be a power-behind-the throne character so I examined various fantasy and SF advisors – the tall hat was a reference to Turkish historical viziers and also to the sinister fellows that follow Emperor Palpatine in The Return of The Jedi.

Jon Boyce had a very specific idea for the Priestess so essentially I recreated his small drawing and the Planetary Botanist was an idea that had been requested by several people in the first wave. The broad-brimmed hat was a nod to Moebius’s drawing of Planetologist Kyne for Alexandro Jodorowsky’s Dune project. I thought he might have had some injuries examining alien plants so a bionic hand seemed appropriate.

My previous post: Colony 87

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Happy New Year! More PanzerfÀuste sketches and drawings

A belated Happy New Year! My first post of 2016 is of some of the sketchbook pages I drew for Hysterical Games’ PanzerfĂ€uste miniatures wargame.
PanzerfĂ€uste – Mechanised Warfare in A Mythical Realm
Hysterical Games website
The first is some Troglodyte mountain troops, these are (in PanzerfÀuste) the Polish so have the equipment and weapons appropriate to the real world equivalent. I drew these for their Kickstarter page as I had only provided them with a rough sketch originally.

Here are some Gnome commanders, wizards and generals and a nurse to heal the troops. Gnomes, in PanzerfĂ€uste are French so I thought the druid (Getafix) in Goscinny and Uderzo’s AstĂ©rix The Gaul would be an appropriate character to homage for the illusionist.

This is an idea from John Bell that the Hysterical Games team wanted a bit more work on; the Dwarf PanzerbÀr. I based the shapes of the armour on the German Sd.Kfz Armoured Cars  from WW2.

And finally an extra Orc for the Local Orc Volunteers (Orc Home Guard), though I’m not sure if this will be produced as a miniature.

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