All posts by Will Beck

Star Wars Sith ideas

Another image I previously posted on my Facebook page  Will Beck Illustration.

Devaronian Sith Juggernaut
Devaronian Sith Juggernaut

Here are some of my quite old sketches for SF bad guys, possibly Star Wars Sith or for some other universe. I think I drew these in 2003 while my brother and I were playing Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic on his PC.

More designs from 2004 (when we were playing the sequel!). I’ve found that Sith are easier to draw than Jedi, getting a truly evil cyborg samurai look is good fun. Though I should attempt to depict a Jedi some time soon!

And here was a quick page from late 2014. These are probably Sith from the time of the Old Republic when there seemed to be way more than two of them.

The huge Sith came from the reading about the visual inspiration for the Jedi and Sith and the Japanese-style robes they wear. So then I thought, why hasn’t a Sumo Jedi or Sith been done in the films or the Clone Wars series? (I can’t be sure of the comics or novels!)
I started by searching for photo reference and also woodblock prints by 18th/19th century Japanese artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi whose art I first saw when I was at Art College. Wikipedia entry for Utagawa Kuniyoshi
I imagined this Sumo-build warrior would be a bulky but fast moving Sith whose physical size was intimidating even before you saw his dark side powers. This got me looking at Japanese Ogre’s Wikipedia entry for Japanese Ogres and I thought a hulking Devaronian steeped in the Dark side of the force might be a cool idea.
For those of you who don’t know what the heck a Devaronian is (and why should you?) look here: Devaronian on Wookieepedia

This is all fan art, and not intended to breach Disney’s copyright.

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Space Rat-Men Special Characters

Finishing my idea of a space hulk with warp-mutated rats on board: (See previous posts: Space Rat-men, Space Rat-men leaders and Space Rat-men characters.)

The large rat-hulk thing on the left with his midget controller (maybe they’re twins?) are kind-of like a space mutant rat-men version of Pinky and The Brain (wikipedia entry for Pinky and the Brain). The other creature is a Rat-man who has been possessed by a warp-entity and his form has mutated (Bestial face: Goat, Teleport, Cloven Hooves, Scorpion Tail,Temporal Instability, Acid Excretion, Suckers, Growth X2).

And here is the sketchbook page from over a year ago where I sketched the basic ideas:

This is fan art based on Games Workshop’s intellectual property.

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Hysterical Games’ Panzerfäuste

I’ve been working hard on a commission from Hysterical Games over the last year; drawing concepts for their fantasy World War 2 miniatures wargame ‘Panzerfäuste’. Their Kickstarter project has gone live and surpassed its initial goal! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this project. Here’s a link to the Kickstarter page:
Panzerfäuste – Mechanised Warfare in A Mythical Realm

As part of this ongoing commission I created Wojtek the Bear, a character I based on the actual bear named Wojtek by Polish troops who adopted him in World War 2 Wikipedia entry for Wojtek (bear), carrying a MG08-15 machine gun. Wojtek is a helpful bear used by the Troglodytes in the Panzerfäuste world to carry things and to fight the Dwarves.

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Dead-world Ghoul ideas

A link from my Facebook site (do have a look and like it, if indeed you do like it!). Click on the Facebook image to the right or here:
Will Beck Illustration

Here are my ‘Deadworld Ghouls’ from 2009, inspired by my fighting (as Raziel) the cowardly Slaughs in the videogames Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2, (Sluagh image and description) I liked their gleeful expression in the game and imagined mine lurking in the dark on ruined world attacking adventurers or travellers (only when they outnumbered them!). I wasn’t quite sure about their design at the time so I put these on the back-burner.

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Bas-Lag and fantasy Wild West sketches

Well it’s been a few months since I posted anything on my website/blog; I’ve loads of mini-projects on the go that become huge undertakings without a deadline! Here are some examples of several of these from a few years back.

On the left are some characters I was having difficulty placing in a world so I was trying them out in a fantasy Wild West setting. On the right hand side is a Cactus Man from China Miéville’s Bas-Lag world. I’m a fan of China Miéville’s novels, (though I haven’t read them all) and I thought it would be fun to try and depict a Cactus Man from Perdido St. Station. I always liked the Symbolist movement and Odilon Redon’s work Cactus Man is a classic example of his slightly creepy and surreal drawings so I tried to incorporate a sense of that into my sketch.

The next pages follow on, more experiments with a fantasy Wild West theme, a Wyrman. See here for a list of China Miéville’s Bas-Lag creations and some high-fantasy characters I was working on.

I returned to the ideas again in my next sketchbook, I might have been reading The Scar at the time – this time I was considering a New Crobuzon scene with various lowlifes (a fat criminal boss, his bouncer and hired thaumaturge, that sort of thing). On the opposite page are more doodles of Vodyanoi (frog-men from Russian folklore) who are another race in Bas-Lag. There’s also an idea for a Gundam/Starcraft type exo-suit in the middle.

China Miéville’s ideas are all copyright him, this is just fan art and in no way intended to breach copyright.

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Colony 87

A commission I had last year to draw concepts for a Science Fiction 28mm miniatures range Kickstarter has been funded within a few hours!

Here are some of the sketches (an amphibian-alien trader, human trader, a pair of nobles with a freakish pet and a porter with a some sort of servo-yoke). The designs were influenced by, amongst many other things, Ridley Scott’s Bladerunner (1982) costumes by Michael Kaplan and Charles Knode and the nobles costumes in the David Lynch Dune movie (1984) by Bob Ringwood. I tried a gothic-arch hat from Russian history for the female noble though we settled on a simple cowl.

These have been sculpted by the talented miniature designer Mike Anderson.

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More Mutant Space Rat-Men

I’ve got a couple of commissions on at the moment but I found time to finish off my third page of SF Rat-Men ideas, specifically the bloated leader and a SF version of a Grey Seer.

Continuing the theme of a space hulk with warp-mutated rats on board: (See posts and The largest mutant rat-man has taken hydraulic shears and attached them to his deformed arm to make a crude combat weapon.

The Rat-man psyker inhales warp-tainted fuel pods (from areas of the space hulk exposed to the warp) to enhance his psychic powers (similar to how Skaven Grey Seers eat warpstone).

The ‘warp-rats’ are rats that have been fed the warp-tainted fuel and are herded into battle causing localised distortions in reality.

GW are souping up the Skaven for the End Times business the new Boneripper and especially the Stormfiends are quite futuristic looking.

The ‘Stormfiends’ appear to have little large-brained rats attached to their backs – I think someone at GW had been playing Planescape:Torment with its Cranium Rats and their Wererat servants – here’s a link if you’re interested:

As always these are purely for fun and not intended to breach Games Workshop’s copyright.

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Chaos Pirate of Nurgle

Games Workshop, for their ‘End Times’ projects, have recently created some new Nurgle miniatures and I felt they needed to reflect more of the characters’ written background on the miniatures themselves.  Now, bear in mind I haven’t read much of the latest text but ‘Gutrot Spume’ is meant to be the leader of the Chaos God Nurgle’s plague fleets and yet has nothing bar his tentacles to reflect his maritime nature.

Here’s my sketchbook page where I imagined a more piratical Chaos Champion with an Estalian (Warhammer Spanish) Conquistador feel (morion helmet and breastplate with tassets, slashed sleeves and so forth). I based his pose on the existing Gutrot Spume miniature, adding a ship’s bell on his back, corroded, barnacled armour, a bottle of rotgut grog and a Daemon sword. One of his tentacles also holds a Nurgle death’s head.


And now I worked the picture up into the following image (separating him into layers in Photoshop and using Painter 12 to paint above and below the layers). I changed the pistol to a Nurgle-daemon themed triple-barrelled duckfoot pistol.

I imagined he had the following rewards of Chaos:

Captain Eduardo ‘Worm-beard’ Montalban

Chaos Attributes:
Hideous Appearance
Zoological mutation 1 arm of an Octopus. (Combine tentacle and suckers rules)
Multiple arms +2
Chaos Rewards:
Chaos Armour
Daemon Weapon
Gifts of Nurgle:
Hide of Nurgle
Trail of Slime

As with all my games related artwork, it is fan art and not intended to infringe Games Workshop’s copyright.

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Dog-man, bird-man, space orc doctor sketchbook page

A sketchbook page from earlier this year:

There’s some dog-men sketches at the top – I was inspired by the make-up/mask work on the Die Antwoord video for Pitbull Terrier, which is a bit crazy and gory and so probably not safe for work and certainly not for children. Here’s a link if you’re interested:

The birdman sage idea I had when looking at a picture of an horned owl (with it’s longer ‘ear’ feathers) and I thought this would be a good look for an older, wise bird-man (or bird-woman).

The coloured in Space Orks are my ideas for what GW could have done when they brought out a plastic Space Ork Painboy earlier this year – some head options that reflected the classic Kev Adams Space Orks but in the newer, more brutal style.

GW stuff (Space Orks, Painboyz and so on) is fan art and not intended to infringe copyright.

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Chaos Knight drawing

Here’s my idea from way back in 2011 for a Nurgle Chaos Warrior Champion (a Nurgle Plague Knight, with twisted heraldry as described in the Lost and The Damned book) as Games Workshop seem to be going all Nurglesque at the moment.


Chaos Knight of Nurgle

As always; this is fan art and not intended to infringe on Games Workshop’s intellectual property.

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