Tag Archives: forest trolls

Back to the Panzerfäuste past

Trow infantry sketches
Trow infantry ideas big fangs

Here are some more ideas for Panzerfäuste that haven’t made it into miniature form (yet!). These are Trow, their equipment is based on the Swedish army of WWII. There is some Black Metal traditional Trow facepaint too!

I gave them big fangs after I sketched the whole double page and thought they were lacking something. Then I remembered my well-thumbed copy of Heroes for Wargames and a particular Asgard miniatures troll sculpted by ace sculptor Nick Bibby which I always liked. He had downward tusks/fangs; so I added them and that completed the look.

He’s available now from Alternative Armies along with a load of Asgard miniatures: https://www.alternative-armies.com/collections/nick-bibby-asgard-miniatures/products/fm27v2-half-troll-chieftain-35mm-tall

I think he’s available for US residents from here: https://thevikingforge.net/

Panzerfäuste Trow infantry

And here is my final pencil drawing, after I’d asked whether or not Trow had tails (they do).

It was a large drawing; two A3 pages together. There’s loads of period-specific details with a Viking/Swedish/Troll twist. And the carved stone heads (top left)depict a famous Trow bard quartet.

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